Spot Diving Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago located in the name of the Atlantic Ocean. The island is a municipality (Distrito estatal) in the state of Brazil, Pernambuco. Has been named by UNESCO as one of the world heritage, known as "the most beautiful marinepark in the world".

fernano de noronha

Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is a collection of islands resulting from the remnants of a volcano that emerged to the surface of the Atlantic seabed. Consists of about 20small islands, and a large island. In this archipelago there are a number of beautiful beaches with clean sand, clear sea water and rich marine life lives.

Not many people who inhabit these islands, but here it will also lack manycomplementary facilities such as eco-tourism resort and restaurant. But here is the best place to enjoy the sea and beach tourism.

dolphin in fernando noronha

This archipelago has 16 charming beach, 5 of which is a favorite place visited by many tourists who frequent the beach Cachorro, Conceicao, Americanos, and CacimbaQuixaba.

Among the beaches located in the archipelago Fernando de Noronha there is a naturalpool formed by the sea water is trapped between the rock that is at the Baia dos SuestePorcos and Baia. In addition a group of islands located 354 km from the coast eastBrazil is known as the best place for diving.

diving in fernando de noronha

Here you can dive to enjoy the beautiful coral reef while accompanied by a dolphin that is widely available in the waters around these islands.

fernando de noronha

Besides these islands are home to colonies of sea birds that migrate from the south.Not only that you can also enjoy the tracks from the past, namely in the form of somePortuguese ruins, like a fortress, and World War II air base.

The scenery was incredible!!!


Gili Island amazing spot diving

Amazing Spot diving
Gili beach

Gili island

Three small island in the north-west Lombok: Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. The journey takes less than 30 minutes drive from Senggigi to the harbor and the bay nare connected with the ship dive into three dyke Lombok is only 20 minutes. On the way to the bay of Senggigi customer dare to stop and take photos because the scenery is very beautiful and still very natural.

Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan is the biggest party island of the three Gili north. It has many bars and clubs on the east side of the island, and famous for its great nightlife. But of course, Gili Trawangan is also a place to relax, and dive!
The island has five well-known dive site, for a really good dive. The water temperature usually varies around Trawangan 26-29 degrees Celsius, depending on depth and season.
Gili island

Manta piont
Manta Point is a dive site where divers of all levels can enjoy this location. At Kadan aruslah that will guide the divers. Usually manta will appear from March to May, there was a chance to see manta in February or June. One day there are 17 manta seen on this dive site.
When the rainy season, the sea water mixes with fresh water that brings a wide range of nutrients from the soil surface, which will bring out the manta. So, during this rainy season visibility for divers hususnya limited in November and December that could be a blessing in disguise.
although you can not see the manta, this location remains a beautiful dive sites. Here you can still see lobster and sea eels among the rocks of the cliffs. You can also see a squid swimming in the reef, they shine with brilliant colors. Ability to camouflaged cuttlefish also quite remarkable. The squid was even able to mimic the red algae that can be found at the bottom of this dive site.
You can also see the white reef sharks sleep around coral bommies, at a depth of 17 meters. Manta Point is the best dive sites to find the coral Acropora.

Shark Point
One of the most popular dive sites in the dyke, with always relying on drift diving, suitable for all levels. The bottom of a flat sandy sea and you will soon enter the cliffs and valleys in this dive site, which is parallel to the coast.
Bannerfish and coral adorned with Moorish Idols hitamdan yellow body color contrasts. A group of Jackfish or Trevally are often found in strong currents, and also we can see reef sharks. Dive ended before the point you will be pampered with a coral reef in sekitanya.Cuttlefish, blue-spoted stingray, turtles, Chromis, basslets and colorful reef fish found in many other shallow waters in this dive.
Because the name of this dive site is Shark Point, then you will see reef sharks are usually found in a small hole under the rock and sometimes in open water.

Coral Fan
This dive site called Fan Coral in here because there are lots of corals, coral-polyped gorgonian fan white with bright red frame. They usually grow in shallow areas on the reef of bommies.
Other types of hard coral are scattered along the bottom of the sea are at depths of 5 to 7 meters, and is inhabited by lots of tropical reef fish. Copper Sweeper small fish are also frequently seen in this area.
Shallow reefs and colorful fish life Coral Fan made a good choice for snorkeling.
Titan triggerfish and clown triggerfish usually found on the slopes (slope) in this area, of about 8-30 meters. Strong currents that make swimming divers do not need to see a good rock every day. Slopes found in this area you can see a variety of fish life, including various types of scorpionfish, so be careful not to touch it.

Gili Meno
Gili Meno are in the middle, between Gili Trawangan (west side) and Gili Air (east side).Here there are not too many hotels, hotel and restaurant near the harbor so many look very crowded. Around the island there are also small hotels and restaurants. In the middle of this island there is a saltwater lake. Take a walk around the beach would be a wonderful experience at the third island.
For the divers, we offer a location that we call the Bounty diving Wreck and Meno Wall that make this island one of the best dive sites often visited by divers.

Meno Wreck / Bounty Wreck
Wreck the Bounty pangjangnya 30 meters, is located in the southwestern part of Gili Meno (you can see the location of Bounty Wreck in Google Maps >>) you can easily visit the island.
Bounty Wreck is located at a depth of 13-17 meters have long since sunk a lot of soft corals and hard corals (Acropora florida, pormosa Acropora, Acropora nobilis) that live around the pontoon. Wreck on the Bounty you can see the scorpionfish, stonefish and juvenile batfish. you can also see the fish like the sweet lips, angelfish and clownfish.
Gili under water

Meno Wall
Meno Wall is located in the western part of the island, Meno Wall (the wall) you will find these new at a depth of 5 to 18 meters and the Wall (the wall) a little more in the second.This dive site is suitable for underwater macro photographers because there are many species of small fish and nudibranchs. Meno Wall is a haven for turtles around Meno Wall there are lots of turtles.

Gili Air

Nearby island of Lombok, Gili Air offers rural life as different from Gili Meno and Gili Terwangan, many indigenous people reside here. The crowd was a lot of the backpackers. Most of the tourism facilities located in the east and south of the island, ranging from simple accommodation to luxury villas. Small islands are lush green make the place a perfect place to vacation, relax and also to dive.  

Water Wall
Water Wall, west of Gili Air, a very beautiful dive sites, because the soft coral that glows yellow-orange depending on the position of the sun. Water Wall (the wall) you will find these new at a depth of 5 to 30 meters along the eastern side of Gili Air.
These dive sites are rich in fish macro beauty plus a wide range of marine life is very beautiful, of which Leaf Fish, White-Banded Cleaner Srhimps and thousands of Glass Fish live in the Water Wall. At the more likely you are in the White Tip Reef akak Sharks encounter
Hans Reef
This is a soft coral found in the north-west of Gili Air on the basis of white sand and there are various sizes of coral bommies. With a maximum depth of 24 meters and an average depth of 14 meters. There are many dive sites macro fish life as the Water Wall, here you will find the smaller marine life that you rarely find. On this dive site you will find batfish, angelfish, Anthias, parrotfish, surgeonfish, boxfish, Frogfish, Leaf Fish Sccorpion, Spotted Moray, Pipe Fish, Mantis Shrimps and many nudibranchs.


Sipadan Island Diving Spot

Ilsand Sipadan

Pulau Sipadan dive sites claim to be the best in the world. Outside of these claims, the dive sites here are world class, with more than 3000 species of fish and hundreds of coral species recorded. In 2002, the resort on the island has been closed to protect the environment, so visitors must stay on the islands around it, such as Mabul or Semporna, and the boat to Sipadan for diving. Because now Sipadan is a protected island, only 120 divers should dive per day, so you should dive as soon as possible in order to enter the list. Make sure you consult with a dive operator about the completeness of the permit, because some companies were found to dive without permission. Sipadan is surrounded by many inhabitants of the reef, with a white turtle and shark fins that often appears on every dive at a depth of 10-30 meters and more.

and do not be surprised if pulauu Sipadan island as a point of the divers.
because the beauty of his island, and because many species of fish and coral reefs.
Sipadan island is rarely visited by the researchers as well.


Koh Tao Diving Spot

Koh tao

Koh Tao is a small tropical island, located in the Gulf of Thailand. This means shelteredposition Koh Tao offers great diving all year round, with peaks in many coral reef andclose to the island.

A vast array of marine life is staggering. In a short boat ride twenty minutes you can reach over 25 dive sites, serving as home to thousands of species of tropical sea. On almostevery dive you can see wrasses, butterfly and angel fish, squid and cuttle-fish, hawksbillturtles, sea snakes, sting rays and more. If you are lucky you can even see the biggestfish in the sea - whale sharks.

Learn to dive with a PADI Open Water Course
During the duration of four days diving Koh Tao

'S divers Simple Life can show you all the best scuba diving sites - you'll be sure to have a wonderful time
Koh Tao Padi open water course begins with orientation and some scuba diving theory,then we get our dive gear and head into the shallow water. You will practice more than 20 scuba skills in a controlled environment, makes you relaxed and comfortable in the underwater environment.

Then the best bit. Four open water dives on the coral reefs around Koh Tao. Expect to see moray eels, sting rays, blue-ringed angel fish, turtles, puffer fish, and more.Experience the amazing underwater world of scuba diving weights.

Also important, Koh Tao is a great destination for apres-dive. At night, there is nothing better than enjoying a cold beer in one of the laid back beach bar, and chatted about the days diving stories!

Water PADI Open Koh Tao package we put together is really all you need - just fourdays diving Koh Tao, the use of all scuba diving equipment, his own guide and PADIdive certification and four nights accommodation.


The Great Blue Hole

Amazing diving spot

The Great Blue Hole

This natural phenomenon has transformed into an ancient cave diving all-powerful. When viewed from space, The Great Blue Hole is located off the coast of Belize, Central America, it looks like eyeballs.

"This is the deepest abyss and the bluest ever. A solid rock formations form a cave thousands of years ago. During that time, the water slowly filled the cave. Until giant stalactites and stalagmites deep in a hole hundreds of feet deep."

Something like that NASA researchers said, Glyn Collinson on, the official website of the country of Belize. Collinson The Great Blue Hole dive to feel its own grandeur of the giant cave under the water. After all, who are not enamored of the beauty of this hole saw from space?

The Great Blue Hole is located off the coast of Belize, Central America. Located in the middle of Lighthouse Reef, a collection of coral atolls that stretches 96 kilometers in length. With a perfectly round shape, The Great Blue Hole is about 400 meters in diameter, with a depth of approximately 145 meters.

In 1997, UNESCO label this place as a World Heritage Site.

Millions of years ago, The Great Blue Hole is a cave with stalactites and stalagmites ancient giants. When the ice age ended, sea levels rose to cover the surface of the cave. Now, The Great Blue Hole dive into one of the points most in demand by professional divers.

Let's start from the surface. If diving to a depth of 20 meters, you can find some kind of shrimp, anemones, neon gobies, Angelfish, Butterflyfish well. At a depth of 44 meters, stalactite formations will greet you first.

Diving here will make you feel like there is in another world. The water is barely moving, with no waves or currents at all. Temperature at depth is about 24 degrees celcius. In the dark blue waters, you can dive among giant stalactites and stalagmites. Each has a height ranging from 9-12 meters in diameter from 1.5 to 3 meters.

With visibility only 60 feet, you're lucky (or just do not) when you see one or several types of sharks that pass. There is a Nurse Shark, Caribbean Reef Shark, Blacktip Shark, Bull Shark, Hammerhead Shark also the residents of this blue hole.

Right you are, maybe The Great Blue Hole will not spoil your eyes with colorful fish that swim among the coral. But you can witness the sharks that pass among giant stalactites and stalagmites.

Diving to the west of The Great Blue Hole, you will find an entrance to a giant cave. Here, lit a torch under water is a liability. In total darkness, you will enter a world untouched.
